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Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Those of us with Periodic Paralysis are each totally individual and unique!!

Those of us with Periodic Paralysis are each totally individual and unique!!

No two of us are exactly alike. We each experience our PP differently. Our episodes and symptoms are individual and unique to each of us.

Our episodes are based on three things: the form or forms of PP we have, the trigger or triggers causing them and any other co-existing conditions we may have.

So our episodes will happen as often as we introduce our triggers to ourselves.

They will last as long as that trigger somehow determines (some triggers may cause short episodes, some longer) and be as severe as that trigger determines, for instance, they may be as simple as a twitch of the eyelid for a few hours, a numbness or tingling of an arm or a full, total-body (from head (including the inability to see) to toes), extreme episode with heart, blood pressure, breathing and choking lasting many hours. (I have had these lasting 7 hours...most were about 4 hours several times a day.)

If we have coexisting conditions symptoms and episodes can be more severe, depending on how the trigger also affects the other condition and how the coexisting condition affects the PP.

It is usually quite easy to detect the triggers/causes. If you keep a journal or keep track by writing down everything you do, eat, drink and more, and then keep track of when your symptoms occur and what they are, you will see a pattern emerge and be able to figure it out. You can eliminate or modify the triggers to eliminate the episode/symptoms.

I went from 4 or 5 severe episodes a day to 1 or 2 a year, much less severe and lasting a much shorter time (except for at night) by charting everything, eliminating the trigger/s, changing my diet and by staying in total balance.

None of us will have the same triggers, the same types of episodes, the same number of episodes and the same length and degree of episodes. Each of us is very unique...this even applies to those in the same family. My family members with PP are totally different in how our episodes present themselves and our triggers are not the same. We each have different coexisting conditions as well.

The following Blog Article has a group of articles and links to help each person understand how to create their own Individual Management Plan (IMP).

Until later...


  1. Very good information. I believe PP affects us each differently. My triggers are food and exercise. Always if I get a cold or virus. This statement you made is me also:

    "I went from 4 or 5 severe episodes a day to 1 or 2 a year, much less severe and lasting a much shorter time (except for at night) by charting everything, eliminating the trigger/s, changing my diet and by staying in total balance."

    You always have great information!! Thanks

    1. Thanks Tanya! It is nice to hear from those who are being helped by what we share here. Hugs to you.
