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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Periodic Paralysis and Balance November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving to our readers in the USA!!!
About two weeks ago, physically, I could not even get out of my recliner and I was in a brain fog, and more. I felt miserable. I mentioned it in some of my previous blogs. I have had varying degrees of this for many, long months and it was getting worse.
I had to evaluate what the trigger was so I could stop it or avoid it. I just could not face one more day of feeling like I was dying. I studied my diet, which is organic and free of additives, pesticides and pH balanced. I monitored my vitals and my potassium and glucose levels, which were normal. I decided the only other thing out of the ordinary was my supplements. I had been taking them for nearly three years. They are pure and free of gluten, sugar, etc with no fillers. I decided to experiment, however, and stopped taking them.
Since that day...I have been able to get out of my recliner and the fog has lifted!!! My world has color again!! No more shades of gray!! I have more energy. Calvin has been shocked at the difference and continues to caution me to not do too much.

I have been able to prepare an entire Thanksgiving dinner!! Each day I made one thing and froze it or packaged it until today. I will be putting my own turkey in the oven in a little while! My daughter and son-in-law arrived last night and I was able to serve them gluten free and low sugar pumpkin pie that I made, as well as, to be able to visit with them without going into paralysis.
I believe that the problem was taking supplements that I did not need any longer. It was throwing my body out of balance. I may need them again in the future, but not now. As my symptoms wax and wane in the future, I will need to evaluate why, but I know now that I should not put anything in my body I do not need. Those of us with Periodic Paralysis must walk that fine line...We must “walk the tightrope”

Periodic Paralysis is an ion channelopathy. Ion channelopathies are mineral metabolic disorders. Periodic Paralysis is a 4th class mineral metabolic disorder. As such, it appears that anything may affect the balance…we must continually evaluate and re-evaluate each thing we are putting into out body.

Until later…

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